Accidentally Vegan Sweet Treats

by - December 06, 2017

Some of you may know that I recently took a leap of faith into the Vegan world. Encouraged by my boyfriend, I decided to transition from vegetarianism and vow never to eat cheese again. I have nothing but praise for the vegan diet, and I think it's done wonders for my health and weight. However, since the weather has turned, and I'm spending a disgusting amount of time inside working to Uni deadlines, I've been craving something sweet to get me through. This is the only time I feel restricted. As vegan treats are either extremely difficult to find or you pay £4 for a chocolate bar, because of this I'm usually left eating a slice of peanut butter on toast, which is fine.. but I can't say it hits the spot.

However, Oli and myself went into town to do our usual food shopping and I was determined to find something nice that would feel like a treat. While we were shopping I was surprised by how many things were accidentally vegan, that I would never have thought were! We only shopped in Poundland and Aldi, which means everything we found was extremely affordable and accessible. I thought I'd share my findings, so that any vegans reading this are aware of the yumminess available, and any non-vegans can see that they wont be missing out if they decide to try the lifestyle.

(I probably have to note, that I am new to veganism, and I categorise something as being 'vegan' if it doesn't contain any obviously non-vegan products such as milk and eggs, if I have missed something in the ingredients that I shouldn't be eating please let me know so I can educate myself further on the vegan lifestyle)
(Also, some of these products contain palm oil, which I know is a no-go for a lot of vegans, and I do try to restrict how many products I purchase that contain this. However it's hard to go this extreme on a student budget!)


Maryland Treats - Big Cookies (Choc Chip)
Aside from the Fox's dark chocolate cookies (which I can't seem to find anymore?!) I've never come across a vegan cookie, and because these were chocolate chip I assumed they would contain milk, however there was nothing I could see listed in the ingredients. Perfect dunked in a cup of hot chocolate..

Boland's Fig Rolls
(Excuse my cacky hand in this photo) But I LOVE fig rolls, they are the biscuits of my childhood. Although I don't think all varieties are vegan (I checked the Aldi ones and they weren't) the cheapo ones from Poundland are. Nostalgic af.

Chocolate Creams?
I think these are the chocolate cousin of the custard cream, probably just a glorified bourbon, but still look tasty.

Pink Panther Wafers
Another throwback? I remember eating these by the bucket load at Primary school disco buffets. Love these with ice-cream.

Gingerbread Men
A Christmas addition to the mix. I'm unsure of the ingredients in other varieties, like the ones you get in Morrisons (next to the mini donuts and flapjacks) but these are safe to eat.

It's a well known fact that Oreo's are vegan, this includes most varieties and flavours, including these 'thins' that I've never seen before.

Fox's Party Rings
I was heartbroken when I found out that these weren't even veggie friendly a few years back, however they've changed the recipe and they're now both veggie and vegan friendly.

Cadbury's Bournville
This is a personal fave of mine and Oli's. Unlike some dark chocolate this isn't bitter and tastes as close to milk chocolate as you're gonna get as a vegan.

Haribo - Giant Strawbs
These have been a firm favourite throughout my veggie days, and I am so happy that they're vegan too.


These seem to vegan in most shops, as long as you go for the basic brand. A classic.

Hobnobs cheapo cousin

Kraves cheapo cousin. I had no idea these were SFV, very happy to find they are.

Mint Creme?
Wouldn't be my first choice, but Oli loves this kind of chocolate (his fave pre-vegan was turkish delight... explains a lot)

Mint Chocolate waves?
I'm sure a well known brand (maybe cadbury's?) used to make these years ago, and they were always a fave of mine. Note that only the mint variety are vegan, and not the orange or crunch versions.

Dark Chocolate
It's well known that most varieties of dark chocolate are vegan, although they're quite pricey at the supermarket. These are super cheap and have loads of different flavours, orange and ginger is incredible.

Sorry for the super long post, but it's amazing how many things I picked up that I wouldn't have normally bothered to check if they were SFV. I hope this list is useful!

Let me know in the comments if you would like any more vegan/food related content (I have a banging mac and (not)cheese recipe that I am more than happy to share with the world)

As always, Thanks for Reading
Emma xxx

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